Thursday, February 18, 2010

You gotta start somewhere...

So, here I am. My first blog post... ever. In this blog, I'm going to share my experiences of learning how to teach, and eventually, once I've become a teacher, how to teach more effectively.
First, I'd like to give you an idea of how I got here:
Growing up, I hated school. I hated everything about it. The bus was too loud in the morning, I had to sit still the whole day, I had to memorize spelling words and locations of states, math flash cards scared me, and the word 'test' made me pee my pants. The only part of school I actually enjoyed was gym. I saw gym class as a chance to move around, play, and be competitive. I was truly my goofy, outgoing self.
As I became older, I fell in love with sports. I've played soccer, basketball, softball, and track and field. I've played soccer since I could stand to kick a ball and have always loved to just run. I have had many P.E. teachers and coaches that have inspired me. My goal: To be just like them.
Ever since 6th grade, I kind of just knew I would pursue physical education. I want to make a difference in kids lives and make them healthier. I want to share my passion of competitiveness with others. I want kids to fall in love with a game. I want them to be so excited they run home to practice. To me, healthier kids means a better world for tomorrow.

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