Monday, November 29, 2010

Power OFF

I recently took my technology teacher up on an interesting challenge. The challenge was to power down for an entire day. This meaning, no computer, cell phone, video games, ipod, radio or TV. I wasn’t able to check Facebook or Twitter. I couldn’t Google anything and I couldn’t respond to any text messages or phone calls. To go the extra step, I even omitted all electronics. The only thing I made an exception to was bathroom facilities, lights and cars. (for obvious reasons)
I choose to power down the day after Thanksgiving. Also know as Black Friday. I woke up at 4am not by my alarm but by my mom waking me up. If I would have used the alarm I would have violated the power down day right at the start. I was unable to make coffee and had to settle on coke as a morning pick-me-up. My mom drove use to several stores, in which we battled the crowds to shop. After a few hours, we came home and I went back to bed. Later that day, my family went to pick out a Christmas tree. We went out into the field and cut one down using only a hand-held saw. We spent the rest of the night decorating the Christmas tree together.
The next day, I checked my phone first thing. Had two missed calls, one from a friend and one from my mom. At first, I was confused why I had one from my mom because I was with her most of the day. Turns out she left me a voicemail at 5:46 am because she had lost me for a few seconds in a crowed store and was ready to check out. Half way through the voice mail she remembered I was powering down for a day. I also had eight missed text messages from an array of people. When I really looked at them, I realized actually only one of them was somewhat important. My best friend, who knows I usually have my phone right next to me, sent me three text and the last one seemed a little panicky because I wasn’t responding. On Facebook I had two new friend request and 9 new notifications.
This challenge made me realize that without technology I spend a lot more time with my family. Not just time, but quality time. Instead of texting a friend, I was talking with my family. I also realized that sometimes days like this are needed. It was nice and relaxing to get away from the world for a while. Looking back, some other days it may have been hard to do this and taken a lot of planning, especially if I was at school where I use technology so much. I picked a really good day to do a power down because I didn’t have to plan too much, but I also learned a lot. In the future, when I’m home, I am going to strive too not use technology too much and just spend much needed quality time with the family.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Physical education reaches new heights

Everyday teachers are looking for innovative ways to get kids excited about physical education and give them new, valuable skills. This middle school is doing just that! With the rope challenge course the students are getting a sense of confidence and adrenaline rush as well as learning balance and teamwork. I believe more schools need different activities like this rope course instead of just the regular game of dodge ball in the gym. So often, gym becomes a repetitive class. An activity like this would really change it up and give the kids something to look forward too. If only every school had the funds, space and motivated teachers to offer such inventive ways for kids to stay active and excited.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Want a fun easy game everyone can play in gym class? Well, Omnikin is your answer! There are so many different games you can make from this one ball. A few example are shown in the video. I have also seen a game played with two omnikin balls and a volleyball net. Two teams, one on each side. They hit the ball over to the other side at the same time and try to get the ball to land on the others teams' side. The catch is that sometimes there are two balls on your side and your team has to divide. With communication and teamwork your team can be successful.