Sunday, November 7, 2010

Physical education reaches new heights

Everyday teachers are looking for innovative ways to get kids excited about physical education and give them new, valuable skills. This middle school is doing just that! With the rope challenge course the students are getting a sense of confidence and adrenaline rush as well as learning balance and teamwork. I believe more schools need different activities like this rope course instead of just the regular game of dodge ball in the gym. So often, gym becomes a repetitive class. An activity like this would really change it up and give the kids something to look forward too. If only every school had the funds, space and motivated teachers to offer such inventive ways for kids to stay active and excited.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenny!

    I read your bog and that it was really interesting! I agree with you when you stated that schools different activities instead of the same ones that have been okayed for years. This will keep students attention and make them more interested in school it's self. I though it was a good idea, and I also believe that school needs to be more creative when working with their students.

    Megan Straub
