Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tell me why?

It's always dangerous when a student ask why? But what do you tell them when they ask why do I need to read and write in physical education class?
Answer: Well first of all, physical education class is about total fitness. Reading and writing makes your brain healthy. It's like lifting weights for your brain. Its a skill just like swinging a bat. The more you read and write the easier it becomes and the better you get at it. Now if you want to get technical, writing and/or typing is a fine motor skill which is focused on in physical education. This is a skill typically taught at a younger age, but mastered as we grow older. And reading is vital. How will we know the rules to a game if we can't read them? What about the history of the game? Statistics? To learn all these things, and many more we must read. Physical education is a mix of all the other subjects a student has throughout the day. So, of course we have to read and write in physical education. Why not?

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