Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Teacher to teacher interaction

As much as teaching may be about how you interact with your students and teach them, there also comes a time when you must interact with other teachers or your co-workers. In physical education there is often more than one teacher within the class, usually because the greater number of students. In my observation class, there are approximately forty students for two teachers. I am often surprised by the interaction between the two adults. They work well together, however they talk loosely about co-workers and students when class is in session. From what I have observed, I feel that this loose talk may be hurting the chemistry of the class. Also, sometimes they are so involved in their own conversation they miss what is going on in the gym. A few times they have missed something important such as one student bullying another. To me, this shows unprofessionalism and lack of caring. The teacher I am observing is great at teaching and a good role model. This type of negative interaction however, is one thing I will not be doing as a teacher.

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