Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Creative Games

It’s great to have a change of pace sometimes. Today, the 6th graders took a break from volleyball to play some creative games. The most interesting one to me was similar to bocce. The gym was split down the middle and 7 hoola-hoops were placed in a straight line across the gym floor on each side. The kids were divided into two even teams. Then, several different types of balls ranging from play ground balls to soccer balls, and from soft, foam balls to volleyballs were put on the center line. Each type of ball was worth a different amount of points. For example, the soccer balls were the most, at 25 points each. The object of the game was to roll the balls into a hoop and get them to stay in the hoop. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. At first, the kids were rolling the balls WAY to hard. They would just skip right over the hoops. Then, a few of the kids started getting the hang of it. They were able to figure out on their own that if you could get one ball in a hoop, you could then use that ball as a barrier to help the other balls stay in the hoop. This game was great because the kids were running around chasing the balls, but at the same time had to really focus on slowing down and being accurate when they were rolling the balls. I can definitely see myself playing this game when I have my own class.

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