Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ethnicity and Procedures

The demographic makeup of the students in the school I’m observing at is much like the school I attended. The students are primarily Caucasian, with a few African Americans and a hand full of Latinos. From what I have seen, the kids mesh every well with each other. I have never witnessed any bullying or harassment from other students because of race or ethnicity. To me, it seems as if the students are almost unaware of the differences.
The dress code is very strict for a public school. The girls must wear long shorts and are not allowed to have low-cut or revealing midriff tops. The boys must have their pants pulled up and can’t wear cut offs. For gym class, everyone must have properly tied tennis shoes and their hair pulled or tied back away from their face. The policy also states, that the students must bring a set of workout clothes for gym class. If the students chose not to bring their gym clothes or they do not follow the policy, the student is given a demerit slip. The teacher I’m observing follows this procedure very strictly and does not go lightly on anyone who refuses to abide by the rules.

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